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Lujvo place structure paper released!

My new version of the lujvo place structure paper, a heavily rewritten
version of Nick's paper on the same subject, is now available.  Since
non-U.S. users have a lot of trouble with FTPs, I will be mailing it
in two pieces just following this message, but it is also available for
download at ftp://ftp.access.digex.net/pub/access/lojbab/jvoplace.txt.

Please read and return comments, whether or not you have read Nick's
paper: almost everything except some wording and some specific examples
has been changed, from order to formatting to theoretical emphasis.
I especially urge people who are new to the language to read the paper,
as long as you have some basic understanding of Lojban terminology
(selbri, sumti, tanru, lujvo, place structure, etc.)  All comments are
helpful; even those that seem like naive questions can sometimes be
very deep and require rethinking of explanatory structures.  (It was a
series of such "naive" questions by a beginning student that led to the
complete redesign of Lojban negation some years ago.)

John Cowan					cowan@ccil.org
		e'osai ko sarji la lojban.