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sera'aku mezo stizu

> >Material can be expressed when required using the modal "ma'e" and a sitter
> >using selbri-to-modal conversion of "fi'o zutse".  .i mu'a zoigy. This is a
> >wooden chair I sit on gy. selfanva fulu ti stizu ma'e loi mudri fi'o zutse mi
> >li'u
> >

> Understood. But the use of ma'e implies a relation between <stizu> and the
> sitter which is more distant than if <stizu> had a sumti place for
> "sitter."

> But in the case of
> <stizu>, a chair interacts rather intermittently with the buttocks of the
> sitter; this intimacy ought be reflected in its sumti.

This is a "seltse", a thing which is sat upon.  A chair is a piece of
furniture.  If you are going to be really picky there is "stizu seltse" and
"tizyseltse", but the tanru would not be necessary in use.