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Re: misc responses to Jorge from last month, esp. SEI
>It is also not true that something is blue to all observers and under all
>conditions. It is also not true that someone is a person to all
>observers and under all conditions. I doubt that you can find many
>gismu that can hold for all observers and under all conditions.
Yes, but the problem is specifically noted to be culturally biased in the
case of colors, and we did not want to try to adjudicate the definition of
blanu - this having been excessively debated to no avail.
>> 2. What do you put in x2 for x1 = ultraviolet light,
>{noda}. As far as I know ultraviolet light is invisible, so it has no
>colour. Or is skari something different from colour?
UV is invisible, but is a color per se. Some animals see it. Likewise
infrared, which CAN be seen with the proper viewing devices.
>Well, you didn't say what is the difference, if any, between
>{ta skari le ka blanu} and {ta ckaji le ka blanu}. Can you give
>an example where the current place structure of skari is useful?
Saying it is characterized by blueness is not saying that it IS the color
blue. This is the old tanru issue of "blue house" incarnate.
>> BTW, try for x2 putting in hue/brightness/saturation as another
>> alternative.
>Could you give examples? I can't make any sense of it.
No I can't. THere are people who are into formall defining colors based on
theri positions on a color solid, defined by (I think) those 3 properties.
I know of the definitions of no colors , or even what the typical values
are for each coordinate scale. How you would use it, would be to put in
x2 the measurement numbers and an indication that the scales they are
measured on are hue/brightness/saturation. How this would be done
is probably convention tied to whatever lujvo/fu'ivla iscreated. But
leka broda li hue pi'e brightness pi'e saturation
is what I am thinking of.
>[ca]ba'opu'o = has been about to.
>Neither of those has the meaning of "already".
I don't know what you mean by already then %^)
I presumed you meant being in the aftermath of no yet having done something
which is either ba'o or ba'opu'o depending on whether you are trying to
express that you've started or completed the action.