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Re: Let's calm down

I'll address the tensions in a separate post.

LogFest is the annual gathering of the Logical Language Group.  We are
required by law to have an annual meeting, and have used that excuse to
hold a "convention", "party", "social event". for any and all in the community
 who are willing to come.  LogFest is held here at my house in asuburb of
Washington DC.  We have typically had around 20 people come for part or all
of the weekend, and these are usually among the more committed Lojbanists.
Usually at least one person has travellled a substantial distance in order to
attend, and that person is often treated thereby as a guest of honor of sorts,
being a little more "equal" than the others in choosing what activities we
focus on.  Chris Bogart came from Colorado last summer, and was very intent on
Lojban conversation, so we tried much more of this in the last LogFest that
at any previous gathering.  Other than this focus, LogFest is largely
unstructured, in part because we don't know who or how many are coming until
a couple of days before things start, and by that time Nora and I are
fully involved in preparing the house for lots of company.  AS such, some have
criticized Logfest fro being illplanned, and I intend next year to get the
community via Lojban List to do more planning for the gathering.

Next year's LogFest will take place in August.  I don't have the exact date
at my fingertips.

Because of the "officialness" of the gathering, and the fact thatw e actually
do have a "meeting" when people vote to set policy for the group, some of the
more major decisions tend to get made at or as a result of the meeting.
It is at those meeting where I feel most accountable to the whole community,
because some people come who are NOT actively part of the net community, and
they usually have a different persepctive on priorities than those who have
the chance to inundate themselves in Lojban daily on this list. (I will also
note here that some of our more substantial financial contributors are not
active on this list, and we are somewhat beholden to them,especially on issues
that result in income or expenditure).

Hope this answers some of your questions.  Chris - please add this tot he FAQs.
