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Re: Another (probable) FAQ
.i mi pu spuda betu'a la lojbab. cusku di'e
> > Poeple have proposed a newsgroup, or splitting into multiple lists. A
> > newsgroup would allow a little better control over what you read, and would
> > not fill you mailboxes with 30 messages a day. But it would also increase
> > spammage, and lead to some amount of inconcistent particpation - I almost
> > never respnd in real time to a newsgroup posting, unlike my email.
> I agree. I, too, never read Usenet with any regularity, and it would be
> extremely inconvenient for me. Multiple lists are also not an answer, as
> that would only increase the frequency for those who want to read everything,
> and it would soon become quite unbearable. I am for using Subject header
> markers, like I have seen on Klingon list bac when I was subscribed, and
> like you can see on the alt.fan.pratchett newsgroup. I suggest that every
> post should have a subject classifier, something like this (no need to
> say that classes and classifiers are open to discussion and addition)
> JBO: or T: lojban text
> GEN: or G: grammar discussion
> PLI: or U: usage discussion
> LOJ: or L: logic discussion
> CLI: or B: beginner discussion
> RET: or Q: question to the experienced (not restricted to beginners)
> LIN: or W: whispers
> CPE: or R: request for translation
> SNU: or C: chat (bau la lojban. ju'o)
> VRC: or D: general discussion (anything that won't fit) (why doesn't
> vrici have a nice 3 zei lerfu rafsi .oi)
> TRO: or A: list administration and miscellanea
> Also, with this, anything not having one of these and not saying
> something clearly indicating newbiehood is a spam li'a message, and
> you can delete it from your mbox with clear conscience.
> > We could also have a LOjban text only list, and I think the community is
> > almost ready for that, where all postings would be in Lojban or by agreement
> > limited to single-followups with translation or questions, byut the
> > questions would be moved over to Lojban List. This would work, I think, if
> > we had the listserver, but we would need Goran and a cou0ple of otherd to
> > commit to supporting it with traffic (management would probably be easy).
> > But we wouldstill need a host, and I am not sure this would meet the needs
> > of beginners.
> Look above. Most lojban text would carry "JBO:", "LIN:", "Re: CPE:" or
> "SNU:" tag in its subject, and would be easy to pick out (unless someone
> else tries the gliban abstinency, too...)
co'o mi'e .goran.
GAT/CS/O d?@ H s:-@ !g p1(2)@ !au(0?) a- w+(+++) (!)v-@(+) C++(++++)
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t+@(+++) !5 !j R+@ G-@(J++) tv+(++) b++@ D++ B? e+* u@ h!$ f?(+) r--
!n(+@) y+. GeekCode v2.1, modifications left to reader to puzzle out