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Re: LR(k) Lojban Grammar

karl. brk. cusku di'e

> This assumes that lojban has an LR(k) grammar... I can't find the
> reference right now, but the last I remember was that the grammar
> was not actually completely context-free -- there were some shift-reduce
> conflicts that YACC resolved using precedence of rules/productions.
> If S-R or R-R conflicts exist, the language is not LR(1), regardless
> of whether or not YACC can parse it; syntactic ambiguity exists,
> it's just hidden by the mechanics of the parser.

Lojban has 0 s/r, 0 r/r conflicts.  The report that it had conflicts
was due to a buggy YACC; six other YACCs of differing ancestries
(Bison, several AT&T-based, Berkeley, Abraxas PCYACC) all
reported no conflicts.

John Cowan					cowan@ccil.org
		e'osai ko sarji la lojban.