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Re: le reroi cuplinfanva cuntu

la xorxes. cusku di'e

> I've started using {sei} as an adverbifier. I don't really understand what
> it's supposed to be used for,

It's supposed to be used to manufacture new UI-like objects; decorations on
the selbri, not modifiers of it.

> but it is often very convenient to have
> selbri modifiers other than stuck directly to the selbri. I suppose
> {fi'o se krefu ku} would do as well, but it is longer and has a terminator.

So it does, but "fi'o" is the One True Way of making floating adverbs.

> > And doesn;t there need to be a {seu}?
> The second {sei krefu} gets attached to the first {krefu} according to the
> parser, but that seems ok: repeatedly repeating. The following {ca ji'a}
> does not get sucked into the sei.

More like "repeating (I repeat it!)".

> > How can you tell whether the {lio} is quoted or not?
> Good question... What if the voice actually did say the word {li'o}?


> I don't know. Maybe I should have said {li'osa'a}.

That works.

> > (Same question
> > for {si, sa, su} - how do you quote these?)
> Same answer. Perhaps {sisa'a} to actually delete a word within a quote,
> and {si} if that is what the person said. (What if the person actually
> said {sisa'a}?)

Then "si sa'asa'a".  And so on.

John Cowan					cowan@ccil.org
		e'osai ko sarji la lojban.