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Re: Beginners question (was: Re: coi za'e jboterymri)

> I'm to translate sentense "The lojban word 'valsi' is gismu" into lojban.
> My first attempt was: {zo valsi poi lojbo valsi cu gismu}.
> But back-translations seems like "'valsi', the lojban word, is gismu" -
> not exactly the same. Really "lojban word 'valsi'" seems very like to
> "plgs" and I feel it must be translated as tanru.
> So my second attempt was: {le lojbo valsi me zo valsi cu gismu}.
> And now the question: what version is right? If both, what is better and
> why? And what is the difference between them?

Closest to the English is {le jbobau valsi po'u zo valsi cu gismu},
or perhaps {zo valsi po'u le jbobau valsi cu gismu}.
