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drata vs. frica
drata [ dat ] other
x1 isn't the-same-thing-as/is different-from/other-than x2 by
standard x3; x1 is something
(cf. mintu, frica)
frica [ fic ] differ
x1 differs/is distinct from/contrasts with/is unlike x2 in
property/dimension/quantity x3
[also other-than (less common meaning)]; (cf. ranxi, drata, dunli,
simsa, vrici)
Suppose there were two identical steel cubes sitting on the table. They are
identical in every (obvious) way, except that there are two of them, and
thus they occupy different positions in space.
Cube1 is different from cube2 :: This would be expressed by the gismu <drata>.
Suppose I then painted one cube red and the other blue
Cube1 is different from cube2 in property color :: This would be expressed
by the gismu <frica>
Steven M. Belknap, M.D.
Assistant Professor of Clinical Pharmacology and Medicine
University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria
email: sbelknap@uic.edu
Voice: 309/671-3403
Fax: 309/671-8413