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Re: afterthought conn within NU?

la .and. cusku di'e

> [Y]ou can't do afterthought
> bridi connectives within a NU clause. Is this true? I certainly don't
> know how to do it, but I'd always assumed that that was because I
> don't know how to do most things Lojban is capable of.

It's true.  The afterthought bridi connectives are really afterthought
>sentence< connectives, being grammatical variants of ".i", so they can't
be used within embedded bridi.

> Nik says to
> Ivan that the solution is to insert a {kei} plus sumti conn
> (i.e., I presume, {le nu .... kei e le nu...}) but that quite
> obviously distorts the semantics (so much so that I conclude I
> misunderstood the discussion due to poor audio quality).

So it does, so it does.  The real solution is to Plan Ahed.

John Cowan					cowan@ccil.org
		e'osai ko sarji la lojban.