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anti-Spam proposal
>We probably ought to do something. I don't want to hear from any more
>prospective Russian brides, atomic bomb plan salesmen, or sleazy estate
I'm sick of this junk too.
Is it possible to add a filter that would automatically look for a
particular magic word, line, phrase, or whatever in the post (or in the
subject line?), and only let mail through that has that magic word? We
could tell everyone what the word was, mention it a lot on the list, and
include it in all our posts. It won't prevent specific spams of the list,
since anyone could subscribe and find out the magic word, but it would keep
the list free of junk that's being automatically mailed to every list in the
universe. They simply won't bother to modify their spamware for a single
small-potatoes mailing list like ours!
If the list software doesn't allow this, does it allow you to call an
outside program that does filtering? I'd be glad to help with that part, if
people like the idea and the list software allows it somehow.
Chris Bogart cbogart@quetzal.com
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