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Re: Reflexivity and {ri}
jorge@phyast.pitt.edu writes:
> ...
> In any case, I agree with this:
> > Actually, I'd recommend changing the behaviour of {ri}. From the
> > history I know, it seems like the current behaviour was necessary when
> > it was the only form of pronoun; but now {ko'a}, {ra}, etc. (not to
> > mention lerfu) cover pronouns quite sufficiently. Specifically, the
> > antecedent of {ri} should be the sumti whose termination is closest on
> > the left.
> It is not even clear to me which sumti are supposed to be transparent
> to {ri}. Are lerfu pro-sumti, for example?
> I would think an easier rule would be the terminated sumti that started
> last, because the termination of one that started earlier may be closest.
My intention was exactly to rule out this case. I'd like
da prami ri
to mean "da loves (him/her/it)self", even if {da} is replaced by an
arbitrary sumti, e.g.,
le mi tamne prami ri
which, under your suggestion, would mean "My cousin loves me."
Then textual substitution to find the meaning of {go'i} would be closer
to correct, though there are still problems: what happens to the
personal pronouns {mi joi do}? Do those get switched when the speaker
changes? (This is a problem in English.)