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Re: Questions

> If you want to be explicit about it being a performative you can say
>         "mi rapygau lenu mi ca'e ckire"
> IMO "ca'e" is a generic performative marker; not just "I define" as it is
> glossed.  A synonym for "sepi'o dei", or "hereby".  Is that consistent with
> the consensus?

It sounds right, but I wouldn't use it in that position as a tag of {mi}.
Rather mark the whole sentence:

        ca'e mi rapygau le nu mi ckire

> >> Could I say
> >>
> >>         mi ckire sei rapli
> >>
> >
> >I don't really feel comfortable with {sei}. I don't fully understand it.
> I don't know I do either, but that is consistent with how I use it.  I tend
> to think of it as simply a way of attatching something to a sentence without
> any precise logical relationship to the sentence.

The problem (or maybe not) that I see is that inside a quotation, sei
talks about the text, but here it talks about the action described by
the text.  Maybe it is not a problem, but Lojban tends to distinguish
these two things carefully, and here we seem to be ignoring the
