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On "any" still once more, if all that is lacking is
conciseness, I should note that _pa_ is shorter than "any" by any
measure, and _CVhV_ro_, while longer, is about the same relative
length, given that lojban expressions tend to be longer than
English. Now, what is lacking -- except perhaps the will to use
logic effectively?
On xorxes's example. When I said that I did not understand
them, I meant just that: they were examples without adequate
explanation of what was involved, what was being changed to what.
In light of the further discussion with lojbab, I now see a bit
more of what is involved and am less enthusiastic, at least for
the _du'i_ case. that seems to involve moving an expression from
an adverbial to a conjunctive role and that kind of move,
initiated by a single word but then encompassing a whole lexeme,
seems to me to be near the heart of a number of odd changes in
recent years, changes that make it hard for me to recognize much
of current lojban structure from a historical perspective. Since
the sentence involved does seem to contain a logical conjunction
(actually of three sentences) and the addition is only an _e_, I
would vote to stick with the present form unless a lot more study
of the consequences of the shift show some advantages to it.
On leapers and (to coin a phrase) pointers. A leaper does
indeed change the prenex, placing the tagged quantifier at the
head. The other term, the pointer, just indicates that the
tagged sumti is to be interpreted from outside the opaque context
in which it lies; it does not -- if it is a quantifier --
actually move it outside (although I suppose it has that effect
eventually). More importantly for the introduction of the
pointer was that if allows nonquantifier terms in opaque contexts
to have external reference and (the specific xorxes problem for
which it was introduced) thus to be used after opaque-making
predicates without the subject-raising flag and, thus, to be
treated as transparent. It is a minor point, but a useful one,
as xorxes kept insisting last fall.
On lambda. I always assumed -- and those who have used the
forms have practiced -- that insertion into an abstraction was in
order from the left into free spaces. (This is the rule in
lambda too, except that rarely are the spaces left free to apply
it, it is how modified lambda works, however.) Thus,
_le_ka_dunda_ is the property of someone giving something to
someone and applies first of all to a giver and then to ordered
pairs and finally to ordered triples (this is not exactly how it
works in lambda but the end result is the same). To get the
recipient, then, we have either to convert the predicate
_te_dunda_ (isn't it?) or fill in the unwanted gaps explicitly
_le_ka_da_dunda_de_ (scope only within the abstraction). We old-
timers know that we can get any ordering of terms to a predicate
using only members of SE, but for this purpose, we can achieve
the result we want by choosing the order of the terms to be
inserted and by blocking out uninteresting places. (The possi-
bility of odd orders -- including identifying initially different
places -- is the main use of full lambda, which presupposes that
the terms to be inserted are in a given order already, a condi-
tion we need not worry about). The biggest problem with making
full use of this insertion procedure is remembering how to do
order n-tuples. "John loves Marry more than Harry Sally" is
something along the line of
la djan ? la maris zmadu la xeris ? la selis le ka prami
but "John loves Mary more than (he does) Sally" is simply
la maris zmadu la selis le ka la djan prami (or se prami la
djan). And so on. It was nice to see that xorxes also see this
pattern and seems to approve. Neither the dakau nor the ke'a
plan seems to offer any advantages over what is already in place,
if implicit. (But I have to admit that the possibility of trying
to get reflexives in does suggest one use for the fuller lambda
form; repeating the term involved seems unsightly.)
Sorry about the tensor talk. Over the years, the two
factors in mathematical tensors and vectors as they apply to
tense (and location) in language have been separated and given
the names "vector" (direction) and "tensor" (length), probably to
the dismay of the mathematically inclined person who started
using them in the first place. Lojban now has these factors
sorted out into two lexemes for each dimension realm. No
problems seem to arise with the vector forms (at least none now
under discussion). The tensor forms do seem problematic, at
least to xorxes (and perhaps others, since they do not seem to
use them much). Nor are there any mentioned problems with the
tensor forms in tense position, the indicate a vaguely defined
distance in an unspecified direction (apparently, in the case of
the temporal tensors at least, the direction is taken as being
important enough to infer from context), just as the vectors are
pointing in directions of unspecified length and the mixed forms
give both length and direction. In all of this, the head of
vector/tensor is the event of the bridi, the tail is a contextu-
ally specified origin. For vector forms as sumti tcita, the head
is still the event of the bridi and the tail is the origin de-
fined by the tagged sumti, corresponding to the hypothetical role
of the hypothetical contextual axis-register in the form underly-
ing the tense-location form (and the other adverbial forms). The
same seems to be true for the mixed vector-tensor forms. So, by
parity of reasoning, the pure tensor forms should be defining a
displacement without direction from the named event/location.
And the spatial tensors seemed to be used in this way: "near to",
"around", "a ways away from", roughly. So, why don't the temporal
ones mean the same thing, roughly various approximations to the
time of the event named? While the uncertainty about direction
is more troublesome in the temporal cases than in the spatial,
the forms still have some uses and should be kept.
Two related issues come off of this. 1) Xorxes claims that
the combination of the 0-vector and a tensor does not make sense.
I am inclined to think it is the moist useful form of the vector-
less tense form. The mathematical 0 vector is in reality (that
is, outside mathematics) not a 0 at all, but an indefinite range
in the appropriate dimension(s). as the old saying goes, "When-
ever I say 'now' it is already then" and "Only I can stand here":
by the time I utter the flag of the instant, the instant has
passed, for someone to come to my here is for them to be coexten-
sive with me. So, in fact, we use "here" and "now" (and "at".
and so on) in very unmathematical ways. But we sometimes like to
say just how far off we are, how broadly we are using the terms
and this fuzz factor then needs to be conveyed. In English we
have a lot of "about" locutions and the like, e.g., "nowadays"
for a moderately extended now (a few years rather than a few
geologic eras). I think that this fuzz factor is just what
tensors do on 0-vectors. Notice that _vi_ alone (which I would
take on the usual grounds as being _bu'uvi_) is just a moderately
broader _bu'u_, allowing something other than perfect coinci-
dence, though expecting some propinquity. In the same way, I
would take _zi_ (i.e., _cazi_) as being "now in a slightly ex-
tended sense," a close as makes no nevermind to the time. The
more remote forms of course allow more difference, though still
irrelevant for the present purpose: I suppose _(ca)za_ is about
2)The fact still remains that the tensor system is inade-
quate (and so, I think, is the spatial vector system -- can we
really even box the compass in lojban, let alone lay out a real
direction (or full tensor in the mathematical sense) in three -
or four - space, as we would need to do to, say, give instruc-
tions to an anti-aircraft gunner?) We can -- and once did --
have a tensor form that lays any appropriate metric down: "three
days," "seven feet," or whatever is needed. I take it that goran
has proposed returning to this, as has xorxes (though, in the
latter case, at the cost of roving other items from the internal
system). I think that, for clarity, we need two such operators,
temporal and spatial, since we may want to specify in both areas
and, although most metrics will be distinct, confusion still
might arise (lightyears seems to confuse most people, for exam-
ple). The other problem is to fit all these pieces together. If
we are using a specific tensor but no vector, how do we specify
the origin, how, that is, say "thirty yards from the school" or
"three days from your birthday". The obvious suggestion here
(another cmavo, of course) is to have an origin marker (or two,
time and space again) indicating that further specification is to
come, for attempting to get origin and metric in the same con-
struction is going to tax the grammar again. In fact, we may be
able to recycle some of the existing forms for some of these
purposes; the _zi_ form seems ideal for the direction unspecified
"within three days of your birthday" and the _Cu_ forms might
work for "more than n units away" (not quite in line with the
framework above but manageable). Of course, if the vector is
specified, the tensor does not need help. And what about very
specific vectors (only the spatial ones present problems except
in really esoteric -- and highly spatialized -- tense logics)? We
may have two or even three terms involved depending upon the
conceptual framework within which we are operating (xyz or angles
or bearings and altitudes or...). Of course, all of these can be
reduced to tuples of various sorts but spelling them all out
seems more reasonable. Sounds like a place for a commitment to
some further study.
But the tensor cases can be handled immediately and should
be, at least to the level of assigning _xVhV_ forms for the two