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Re: replies re. ka & mamta be ma
> i ro cmima be le se fancu cu ckini pa cmima be le te fancu
> le selbri
So, say, "friend" isn't a function, bcs one has more than friend?
> i pa po'o cmima be le te fancu i la'edi'u vajni
Since you say it's important I'd better acknowledge that
I can't parse or understand it (if you mean {pa poho cmima
be le te fancu}).
> > > .i roda poi prenu zo'u da ponse lo ba'e su'onomei
> > So {da poi prenu zohu da ponse node} is false?
> na go'i i lo su'onomei ka'e dunli lo nomei
Indeed so. The question is whether {mi ponse lo nomei ku e
no da} is a contradiction: I have no idea.
> > I feel [makau] doesn't increase expressive
> > power: it is an optional add-on, a useful convenience.
> ie i ku'i pe'i la'e di'u cu jetnu sera'a ro cmavo
Surely not most members of, say SE, LE, PA?