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Re: whiskey lovers

> Goran:
> > There is no x2 in {ka}, at least in my vlaste.
> There is in my list, dated 6.1.93 and labelled as baselined at the
> start of the file.

Mine is dated 06/13/94. No x2.

> > I'd say it's the mutual property of all the terbri,
> I wouldn't know what a property is, then.

I thought before that it's property of x1 of being broda. Now I'm not so
sure, and I've come to ju'ocu'i think that it's the property of each of
the arguments of satisfying the relationship. {lo ka mi klama le zarci}
is my going-to-the-market-ness and the market's being-gone-to-by-me-ness

> I haven't changed my mind. So far, I think, your versions have just
> pertained to lohe glipre.

Then put {rolo} instead of {lo'e}. If that still doesn't satisfy you,
then say for god's sake what you want to express, because I just keep
guessing your intentions.

co'o mi'e. goran. noi zo'onaizo'o na datmenju'o

PS. a propos cab- and jiz-, if you take a girl whose mother died when
he was three, got adopted, stepfather divorced and remarried, then
rolo mamta be ko'a cimei. That's why. The prefixes mean current mother
and biological mother, respectively, and are inherently singular for
a singular x2. :)

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