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Re: plural
>>A more valid comparison would be with na/ja'a. If none is given explicitly,
>>>ja'a is the default one.
>>na go'i .i go'i .i go'i
>>No I did not contradict myself. "na" carried over as implict to the go'i.
>>My son and I get into nago'i/ja'ago'i arguments all the time - one little
>>bit of Lojban he knows well.
>Wait, no... I specifically remmeber from years back that "na go'i" in
>response to a negative jufra is *not* contradiction. It confused me then,
>but I was told that it was important. I'm confused; I'm going to find that
>reference... I could swear I recall it from John Cowan or something. Is it
>tackled in the negation paper? Will repost when I find what I meant.
In the above example
>>na go'i .i go'i .i go'i
means identically the same thing as
na go'i .i na go'i .i na go'i
The "na" gets carried over, just like any sumti, until explicitly replaced
by a different value, i.e. "ja'a"