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Re: 'metalogical descriptions'

> How do we say things like
>   the predicate Gerku has 2 places [NB NOT the word 'gerku']

    _le se gismu be zo gerku cu se gismu fi lo remei_
    The relationship expressed by the word "gerku" is a relationship
    among a pair of argument roles.

>   the x1 place of Gerku is a category

The x1 of "gerku" would be: {le te gismu befi zo gerku be'o pamoi}
or {le pamoi co te gismu befi zo gerku}

Now, I don't understand why you would say that it is a category, because
the x1 of gerku is rather a member of a category, I think.

>   members of x1 places are typically agents

        so'i te gismu pamoi cu gasnu
        Many x1's are agents.

(gasnu is the wrong selbri there, because the argument roles are not
agents, they are agent roles, but I don't know how to say that.)

Notice that "typically" has nothing to do with time frequency here, so
na'o would not be the right word to use.
