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Re: TECH: "any" & quantification

> >> By the way, is "xa'a" as I've defined it the same as asserting existence?
> >
> >Does {mi viska lo pavyseljirna} assert existance, or the fact that there
> >are no unicorns makes the sentence false?
> How can "I can look at a unicorn" possibly be true statement, unless I
> exist, and at least one unicorn exists?  That's why I think useful
> transparent statements with the hypothetical "xa'a" have to implicitly
> assert existence.

Right, but it can be existence in a fantasy world rather than the real
one. "There is a unicorn that I imagined" can be true evn if the unicorn
exists only in my imagination.

I don't think unicorns really have any bearing on the 'any' debate.
