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Re: Lojban List traffic
> Date: Tue, 2 Aug 1994 06:24:38 -0400
> From: Logical Language Group <lojbab@ACCESS.DIGEX.NET>
> Subject: Lojban List traffic
> 4. At LogFest, there was talk of setting up a newsgroup for Lojban, possibly
> tied to the list, recognizing the greatly increased volume of interest since
> Veijo set up his www page (are we past 1500 people yet Veijo?).
Not quite. The latest log count is 1,264 different client addresses
which includes some addresses counted twice (numerical + verbal), and
of course some people counted several times due to accessing the server
from several addresses. I guess the actual number of people has exceeded
1000, however.
I'll reannounce the WWW server after adding some new stuff. This ought
to catch another 500+ new clients.