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Re: Object and Event

Jack Waugh <WAUGH@ACM.ORG> sez:
>Would you call a candle flame an "event", or an "object"?


>Recall that the flame retains no material for long; all
>its material is always flowing through it.

All objects are some form of event.  Nothing is permanent.  The distinction
between permanence and transience is (minimally) an artifical distinction of
English.  If the Big Bang predicated a cyclical universe that will collapse
upon itself, even the universe is just an event in a larger frame of reference.
I don't see the need to have object identifiers that distinguish this.  Event
should be the "timeless" form of a sumti, and an object the condition at a
single moment or during a specified period of time, with that time marked with
a tense marker.

*     Bob Slaughter                         *  Model Railroading         *
*     InterNet:  Haldane@Pine.Circa.Ufl.Edu *      is Fun!!              *
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