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Re: lojban writing and speaking rules

Colin's explanation was very clear, but I have one comment.

> In speech
> =========
> P1. All consonant-final words must be followed by a pause
> P2. All vowel-initial words must be preceded by a pause
> P3. Pauses are not permitted within words
> P4. Pauses are optional at all other word junctures
> S1. The penultimate vowel of a brivla must be stressed (this applies to
> words which are morphologically brivla, and not cmavo functioning as brivla
> such as "go'i" or "remoi")
> S2. All other syllables may be stressed or not at will
> S3. If the syllable preceding a brivla is stressed, it must be followed by
> a pause

Consider the lujvo {blableblibloblu} (don't ask me what it means). The syllable
"blo" must be stressed, but if you stress "bla" or "ble" as well, you get the
tanru {blable blibloblu} and {blablebli bloblu} respectively, so rule S2 has
some exceptions.
