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Re: Once again...
I've been away on a training course all week, so I've only just seen the
flurry of messages about "one more time".
JC: Furthemore, "su'ipa" doesn't mean what Colin seems to think: it's just
JC: the forethought form (+ 1), i.e. 1. To say "one more", we need
JC: something like "pa su'i no'o", one plus the typical value in this
JC: context.
Is addition meaningful with only one argument? Surely the addition operator
requires at least two operands and so if you provide only one, the listener
will (in good Lojban tradition) fill in the missing operand with the obvious
value. In this context, the obvious value could well be the (possibly
indeterminate) number of times the actor has done the action before. This
is a moot point though in that, as has been pointed out, MEX expressions
can't be used with MOI or ROI without the rather clumsy {meli ... me'u}
I had more really brilliant insights to give, however on writing them down
they seems far less brilliant than I first thought :-( I think I'll go
home, have a relaxing weekend, and then try again on Monday :-)