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JL18 done, LogFest is soon
I have just finsished JL18, and it will hopefully go to the printer tomorrow.
It is 86 pages, but I've been doing a lot of last minute fiddling that
might change that slightly, through fancy formatting. It should be mailed
next week first class for US subscribers. LK18 will be delayed, possibly till
after LogFest, since I'm going into crash dictionary mode.
If you are not listed as a subscriber to Ju'i Lobypli, and probably if you
haven't paid for it, you will not be getting this issue. Still we have
maintained a respectable 120 or so subscribers, almost all of which are paid.
I need to hear from you with at least a promise of funds, and preferablythe
real thing if you want JL and aren''t subscribing. The issue will have
the baselined rafsi list and the set of grammar changes as they stand with
the resulting E-BNF as we expect it to be when we rebaseline the grammar
upon dictionary publication.
Meanwhile, LogFest is coming up soon, the wekend of 9-12 July, hre in fairfax
VA near washington DC. Tjose who are not local but have access to Internet
may be able to participate partially through IRC (Internet Realy Chat), but
we are expecting a record turnout here in DC as well, since some 20-odd people
have already intdicated some intent to come.
As usual, attendance is free, but we ask for donations. bring a sleeping bag
and save the hotel and rent-a-car since we are near the subway line. Fa,miliesa
are welcome, if we know in advance - we have two kids who will welcome the
company, and a couple of tents will likely be set up in the yard. All
quite informal.
If you are interested in coming, or in particpating via IRC, let me know as
soon as possible.
lojbab lojbab@grebyn.com
Bob LeChevalier, President, The Logical Language Group, Inc.
2904 Beau Lane, Fairfax VA 22031-1303 USA 703-385-0273