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look thru window

la kolin cusku di'e

> Incidentally, I'm not convinced that "catlu" is right here anyway. "catlu"
> means 'look at/examine something'. To me "I looked through the window" is not
> the same predicate as "I looked at something through the window." Comments
> anybody?

I originally thought "thru the window" is not ambiguous. Now I
see at least two meanings. The first is what I intended.

        I look up.
        I look down.
        I look thru the window.

        .i mi catlu fi'o farna [fe'u] le gapru
        .i mi catlu fi'o farna [fe'u] le cnita
        .i mi catlu fi'o pagre farna [fe'u] le canko

        Is the window clean?
        I look thru the window.

        xu le canko cu jinsa
        .i mi catlu fi'o se pilno [fe'u] le canko
        Frank Schulz ( fschulz@pyramid.com )