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Re: easy text

Nice, easy, clear piece, Frank.

I understood it with no trouble - one or two words gave me pause.

'mlatu salta tanxe' - cat-salad box - lovely. I'm not a cat-owner: is this a
recognised concept? Has it a standard English term?

 'to'e djica' - very nice phrase.

 '.i mi jmina lo djacu lo dertu le nu lo srasu tsiju cu banro'
        - I would use 'farvi' rather than 'banro' - to me, what happens to a see
        is different from what happens to a seedling, and I would only use
        'banro' for the latter. Your meaning's clear though.
        I'm also not 100% happy about 'jmina': I would use 'setca' This does not
        have a 'result' place, but I don't believe that the x4 of 'jmina' actual
        means a result in that sense (a 'nu') I think a ve jmina is what you
        get from doing the adding, not something that then happens. I would say
 .i mi setca lo djacu le dertu mu'ilenu lo srasu tsiju cu farvi

 '.i le mlatu cu catlu fi'o farna pagre [fe'u] le canko'
        I see what you were asking. I would say simply
  .i le mlatu cu canko [pagre] zgana
        the 'pagre' is optional - I would probably leave it out.

.i mi zanru je nelci le do te fanva .i'esai

co'omi'e kolin
There's a monkey on my shoulder   | Colin Fine
        and it's telling me lies      |  Dept of Computing
Just to stop me ever seeing       |   University of Bradford
    what's in front of my eyes.   |    Bradford, W. Yorks, England
It tells me what the world is like|      BD7 1DP
    and how I ought to be,        | Tel: 0274 733680 (h), 383915 (w)
And just what's gonna happen      |   c.j.fine@bradford.ac.uk
    if I ever dare be me.         | 'Morris dancers do it with bells on'