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Re: TECH: more about *mo'u

> From jimc@edu.ucla.math Wed Mar 17 16:48:22 1993
> To: C.J.Fine@uk.ac.bradford
> Cc: cowan@com.thyrsus.snark
> Subject: Re: TECH: more about *mo'u
> Date: Wed, 17 Mar 93 08:37:18 -0800
> From: jimc@edu.ucla.math
> Content-Length: 1240
> > > Colin Fine writes that in the construction {mi bebau la lojban casnu}
> >
> > That's "pebau"
> Are you sure -- is this a grammar change I missed during my absence?
> I'm analysing it like this:   Hmmm, there's a complication, and I'm
> sending a copy to John Cowan for clarification.  Let's start by parsing
> "le mlatu be? bau la lojban" = the Lojban cat.  In the following, upper
> case indicates words digested in this step; () indicates words digested
> in previous steps; {} indicates words remaining to be parsed.
> sumti-5<99> = KOhA # | etc. | (LA | LE) sumti-tail /KU#/ | etc.
>                                       LE {mlatu be bau la lojban}
> sumti-tail<113> = [sumti-4] [quantifier] selbri | etc.
>                                       (le) {mlatu be bau la lojban}
> selbri-5<151> = selbri-6 [linkargs] | etc.
>                                       (le) {mlatu} {be bau la lojban}
> selbri-6<154> = BRIVLA # | etc.
>                                       (le) MLATU {be bau la lojban}
> linkargs<160> = BE term ...
>                                       (le mlatu) BE {bau la lojban}
> term<81> = sumti | (tag | FA #) (sumti | /KU#/) | etc.
>                                       (le mlatu be) {bau} {la lojban}
> tag = BAI (through several steps and alternatives)
>                                       (le mlatu be) BAU {la lojban}
> So far, so good.  But the original phrase was "mi be? bau la lojban".
> *How do you get a linkargs onto a KOhA?*  (Including "pe <sumti>"?)
>               -- jimc
        le mlatu bebau la lojban
is perfectly good:
        le mlatu be bau la lojban
                     \ term   /
                 \  linkargs /
            \   selbri      /
         \    sumti        /

but "be" is only useable within a selbri.  You can however attach a term
to any sumti with "pe" (or "ne")

        le mlatu pe bau la lojban
        \sumti /     \ term     /
          \     sumti         /

The first adds/specifies a tergismu of the selbri before applying the gadri;
the second restricts or comments on the whole sumti.
