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The Last Rafsi Poll
Just when you thought it was safe to go on innocently making lujvo, the
specter of the rafsi baseline is haunting Lojbanistan. (Or something
like that.) Here are the last few outstanding issues standing in the
way of baselining the rafsi. Please vote, O Jimbobs and non-Jimbobs.
Numbers refer to lojbab's original proposal numbers. The formulation is
2. balvi (future) keeps bav and gives ba'i to
banli (great), which gives bal to
balji (bulb), which gives baj to
bajra, which had no rafsi.
6. minji (machine) keeps mi'i and gives mij to
midju (middle), which gives mid to
minde (command), which keeps mi'e and gives min to
jmina (laugh), which gives mi'a to
cmila (add), which had no rafsi.
21/76. mamta (mother) keeps mam and gives ma'a to
cmana (mountain), which gives ca'a to
cabra (apparatus), which gives bra to
barda (big), which gives bad to
bandu (defend), which gives ba'u to
bacru (utter), which gives cru to
curmi (let), which had cur and cu'i.
cur goes to
curnu (worm), which gives cu'u to
cuntu (affair), which gives cut to
cutne (chest), which had no rafsi.
cu'i goes to
cumki, which had cum and keeps it.
22a. snidu (second) keeps nid and gives si'u to
simxu (mutual), which had sim and keeps it.
22b. since (snake) gives sic to
stici (west), which had no rafsi.
24. nakni (male), keeps nak and gives na'i to
nalci (wing), which had none.
150. fetsi (female) keeps fet and gives fei to
fepni (cent), which keeps fep and gives fe'i to fetsi.
42. matra (motor), gives mat to
mapti (fit), which had no rafsi.
84. djedi (day) keeps dje and gives dei to
degji (finger), which keeps deg and gives de'i to
denci (tooth), which had den and keeps it.
95. dinko (nail) gives di'o to
dirgo (drop), which had dig and keeps it.
97a. moklu (mouth) has mol; proposal is to replace mol by mok.
My positions:
PRO on 2, 6, 21/76, 22b, 24, 42, 84.
CON on 22a, 150, 95, 97a.
John Cowan cowan@snark.thyrsus.com ...!uunet!cbmvax!snark!cowan
e'osai ko sarji la lojban.