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Re: TECH vrici
Quoth Iain
> Colin: seljbo
> I've seen you use {seljbo} recently as if it meant "member
> of the Lojban community". Is that really what the x2 of the
> culture words is? The gismu list says "x1 reflects Lojbanic
> (etc.) language/culture/nationality/community in aspect x2",
> which I would interpret as saying that {lo lojbo} are members
> of the community, but I'm not sure whether {lo se lojbo} are
> things like language, culture, etc. or something else.
You're absolutely right. I so much love using converted brivla that don't
go easily into English that I sometimes get carried away and get them wrong.
"lojbo" it is.
> Mark/Colin: TEST: CAFE: lo lisri pe le ckafybarja
> > >> .i tu'a di'u xe ctuca fi ledu'u do cu .ei zgana pu lenu do jdice
> > >I think "do" is out of place here. ".ei zgana pu lenu [vo'a] jdice" or
> > >"da zgana .ei pu lenu da jdice", or more lojbanically pe'i
> > >"jdice nagi'apubo .e'ucai zgana"
> > Definitely. {do} here is malglico. It should be a general injunction, and
> > use {zo'e} (possibly elided) or maybe {le'e prenu} or something. {da} is
> > not quantified right, it'd mean "There's something that should...."
> Yes, it would have to be {roda}. And {.ei} seems to have
> the usual problem of referring to the narrator:
> roda zgana sei bilga pu lenu da jdice
But it is the narrator who's saying it. And I still prefer my version.
> Colin: TECH.ADV nu denpa kei seli'e lo cmene: voksylerfu
> I have wondered what "vowels" and "consonants" were in Lojban.
> Why wouldn't {voksylerfu} refer to voiced consonants as well
> as vowels?
na djuno
> Colin: su'osu'epa
> I've worked out what I was trying to do the other day - it's
> {da se pamei lo'i tadji be li'o}.
I see nothing wrong with su'osu'epa