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Re: The Kalevala etc

On quoting music:
We had enough trouble with standardizing Mex.  I don't even want to think
about what it would take to devise a standard musical notation that could
cover all musics.  At least one Lojbanist that I know of, John Chalmers is
into experimental music that does not use the standard scale, and indeed, I
suspect that the 'standard scale' is found only in Western music, though I'm
anything but a music expert.  I would prefer to let people use lo'u/le'u
quotes and/or zoi quotes and develop their own systems for now.  Lojban's
"do re mi" may spring up naturally as a result.  (There are plenty of
experimental cmavo - the xVV words, and the Cvvv... words, to play with, if you
don;t want to overlap existing cmavo - or you could do something with numbers,
