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- To: John Cowan <cowan@snark.thyrsus.com>
- Subject: 1.4.
- From: Ivan A Derzhanski <cbmvax!uunet!cogsci.ed.ac.uk!iad>
- In-Reply-To: Undetermined origin c/o Postmaster's message of Thu, 2 Apr 1992 04:58:09 LCL <3402.9204021011@cogsci.ed.ac.uk>
- Reply-To: Ivan A Derzhanski <cbmvax!uunet!cogsci.ed.ac.uk!iad>
- Sender: Lojban list <cbmvax!uunet!pucc.princeton.edu!LOJBAN>
> Ivan, even if la'o-ing himself, does it again. Good use of UI, good choice
> of words and all.
da'inai I was not too satisfied with this particular text of mine, wrt
ra'u the choice of words. You know, `logo', `slogan' and all that.
> >ni'o mu'a ka'u lo'e prenrgabrovo cu ka'arvi'u le rebla be levo'a mlatu
> >tezu'e lenu ri sutra leka pagre le vorme kei seri'a lenu le kumfa
> >nenri cu na lenku binxo
> One. It'd be nicer stylistically if we killed one abstraction in there -
> {sutra pagre} isn't all that ambiguous.
Fine. Make that {tezu'e leka ri sutra pagre}.
> Two. I kept saying "where's the punchline". Um... sorry about that.
This may mean one of two things: (1) the joke was too weak to deserve
your attention or (2) the joke was lost in my translation. What does
this paragraph mean to you, literally?
> {la'elo munje} or {lei se munjyzda}?
The problem with "The world hath remained whole because it hath
laughed" is that "the world" stands for the set of its inhabitants in
the first half and for the mass of them in the second.
> Oh, and why the {pu}
> in {zatsta}? Last time I checked, the world still existed...
It did not perish on any of the occasions when it could have done so.
> >ni'o ko di'i cmila
> go'ira'o
{ra'o}? Does my cmavo liste need updating? It says "{ra'o} RAhO
anaphora update", and this doesn't sound correct.