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summary of a busy weekend - part 2 of 2


The following two gismu are proposed for addition to the baselined list,
and will be adopted pending no objection:

vukro   vuk vu'o  Ukrainian  pertaining to the Ukrainian lang/cult/nation in x2
slovo   lov       Slavic     pertaining to Slavic langs/cult/ethnos in x2
        (lovle'u   Cyrillic   is a letter of Cyrillic alphabet symbolizing x2)

These have been reviewed by Ivan, as our only active native Slavic
Lojbanist.  The breakup of the Soviet Union, has made Ukraine a large
country with a Russian speaker base, one with a Slavic language of its
own and a nationalistic interest in being clearly distinct from Russia
and the ex-Soviet Union.  (the definition of softo is being broadened to
cover the old Russian empire and the new Commonwealth, but remains tied
to keyword 'Soviet' because there really is no other distinct word.)
Our standards for cultural gismu clearly put Ukraine in the group that
should have a gismu.  (The other republics, except Russia itself, will
be covered with le'avla.)

With two Slavic peoples represented, the family name also requires a
gismu (as semto exists to cover Hebrew and Arabic commonalties).  As
shown, this gismu will also be used to generate "Cyrillic", a better
choice than rusko or softo for that concept, anyway.

keyword changes - the following are baseline changes unless there is

- All metric prefixes currently have keywords of the form
megdo   10E6

It has been pointed out that this does not conform to most exponential
notations.  The keywords will be globally changed to use "1" instead of
"10" giving
megdo   1E6

- budjo Buddhist        pertains to the Buddhist cult/relig/nation in x2
- dadjo Taoist          pertains to the Taoist cult/relig/nation in x2
- jegvo Jehovist        pertains to cult/relig of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic
                        deity in x2
- xriso Christian       pertains to the Christian cult/relig/nation in x2

It was noted that The change in keyword of mukti to "motive", part of the
last baseline change, did not get into the PLS file for some reason, along
with appropriate definition wording changes.


"du" will be added to the list as a result of being assigned the rafsi
"dub" and "du'o"

place structures

I cannot list all of the place structure changes and definition changes
being made for the new baselined list.  About 20% of the words will have
some change from the list posted to the PLS (We were BUSY!), although most
of these are minor and clarificational.  Some general notes:

- Bob Chasell proposed a large set of synonyms be listed, and are being
added to the definition field to make computer searches of the list

- A clarification of sets and masses and sequences and their roles as
place holders in bridi caused many changes in wording.  All places where
these have been identified as likely placeholders have been examined and
will be identified if space permits.

- several 'properties' which are generally considered subjective, have
gained a 'by standard' place - the standard may only be an observer, in
which case it is the observer's personal standard, whatever that may be.
Colors are not included in this change.

- More care is being taken with 'under conditions' places.  In many cases,
an 'under conditions' place may be appropriate to some event/state within
a single place of a bridi, rather than applying to the main bridi itself.

- The use of "du'u" abstractions is clearly distinguished in place
structures dealing with truths.  Some places dealing with knowledge and
truth have been cleft paralleling the djuno place structure change
described in JL15.

- All known cleft place structures have been reviewed, with more than half
eliminated by putting an event clause in x1.  A few, such as simlu, are
remaining cleft, but are worded so as to suggest ka property abstractions
instead of events in the cleft abstraction place.

- The following are particularly significant changes in meaning

balvi   x1 is in the future of/later than/after x2 in time (ONLY; c.f. lidne)
bilma   x1 is military/regimented/strongly organized/prepared by system x2
           for purpose x3
caxno   (paralleling condi below)
cfari   x1 (st/ev/proc) commences/begins/initiates/starts (intransitive)
           [no change, but c.f. sisti)
cimde   x1 is a dimension of space/object x2 according to rules/model x3
clupa   x1 is a loop/circuit in/of material x2 defined by (set of points) x3
cmavo   x1 is a structure word having garmmar exemplified by word x2 with
           meaning function x3 in language x4
condi   x1 is deep in extent in prp/qual x2 at locus x3 away from obs. pt x4
           by std. x5
cpare   x1 climbs/clambers/crawls/creeps on surface x2 in direction x3 using
           x4 (tools, limbs)
danfu   x1 is the answer/response to question x2
dargu   x1 is a road with route x2
fancu   x1 is a function/single-value mapping from domain x2 to range x3
           defined by rules x4
fasnu   x1 is an event that happens/occurs
flalu   x1 is a law specifying x2 (st./ev.) for community x3 (mass) under
           conditions x4 by law-giver x5
funca   x1 (ev./st.) is determined by the luck/fortune of/for x2
gasnu   x1 is agent in event x2; x1 'does' x2
gradu   x1 (magnitude) is a unit/degree of/on scale/ref. std. x2 (idea/si'o)
           measuring x3 (property)
gunma   x1 is a mass/team/is together, of components x2 considered jointly
jbini   x1 is between/among set of boundaries x2 in prop/qual x3
jdika   x1 is decreased/reduced in x2 (prop/quant) by amount x3
        (no change c.f. zenba)
kancu   x1 counts the number in set x2 to be x3 (quant) in units x4
karli   x1 is a collar surrounding x2 of material x3
krefu   x1 is a recurrence/repetition of x2 (ev/st) for the x3th (quant) time
           x1 happens again
kusru   x1 (person) is cruel/mean to x2
lacpu   x1 pulls/tugs/drags x2 by handle at locus x3
lafti   x1 lifts/applies lift to x2 at locus x3
lidne   x1 leads/precedes x2 in sequence x3
naxle   (paralleling dargu above)
pajni   x1 judges/is a judge determining/deciding matter x2 (du'u/prop/amt)
panra   x1 is parallel to x2 in property/pattern x3 by std./geometry x4
pikti   x1 is a ticket entitling x2 to privilege/entitlement x3 (ev./st.)
           under cond. x4
platu   x1 plans/designs/plots plan/plot/arrangement x2 for state/process x3
porsi   x1 (sequ) is sequenced/ordered by comparison/rules x2 on
           set (unordered) x3
prami   (paralleling xebni below)
prina   x1 (agent) prints x2 on x3 using tool x4
purci   (paralleling balvi above)
ritli   x1 is a rite/ceremony/ritual/is formal(legal) for purpose x2
           under custom x3, under rules/form x4
selci   x1 is a cell/atom/molecule/unit of x2; x1 is an indivisible basic
           subunit of x2 (c.f. English 'atom')
simlu   x1 appears to have property x2 to x3 under conditions x4
sirji   x1 is straight/direct/line segment/interval between x2 and x3
sisti   x1 (agent) ceases/stops/halts doing/being x2 without completing it
           (c.f. cfari WHICH IS DIFFERENT)
skiji   x1 is a ski/skid/skate/runner for surface x2 (for) supporting
           skier/skater/sled/cargo x3
suksa   x1 (ev/st) is sudden/abrupt at stage/achievement x2 in process x3;
           x1 (prop) is discontinuous at point x2 over interval x3
talsa   x1 (person) challenges x2 in prop x3
trene   x1 is a train (segmented-vehicle) of cars/units (mass/sequ) in
           system/railroad/of owners x3
trina   x1 attracts/lures x2 (person/action) with property/quality x3
venfu   x1 (person(s)) takes revenge on/retaliates against x2 (person(s))
           for wrong x3 (ev./st./act.) with vengeance x4 (ev/act)
vorme   x1 is a door/gate between x2 and x3 of/in/through structure x4
xamsi   x1 is an ocean/sea/gulf/atmosphere of planet x2 of fluid x3
xanri   x1 (concept) exists in the imagination of/is imagined by/is
           imaginary/unreal to x2
xebni   x1 hates x2 (object/state)/property)
xendo   (paralleling kusru above)
xlura   x1 (agent) influences x2 into action/event/state x3 by
           influence/threat/lure x4 (c.f. trina)
xrani   x1 (event) injures/harms/damages victim x2 in property x3
           resulting in injury x4 (state/prop)
zarci   x1 is a market/store/exchange/marketplace selling x2 operated by x3/
           with participants x3 (mass agent)
zenba   x1 is increased/augmented in x2 (prop/quant) by amount x3
           (parallels with jdika)
zukte   x1 is an 'entity' employing means x2 for/towards end/purpose/goal x3

More details will be found in the list, if and when I get it done.

lojbab = Bob LeChevalier, President, The Logical Language Group, Inc.
         2904 Beau Lane, Fairfax VA 22031-1303 USA