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Polish story, Paragraph 4
- To: lojban-list@snark.thyrsus.com
- Subject: Polish story, Paragraph 4
- From: cbmvax!uunet!ee.mu.OZ.AU!nsn
- Date: Wed, 24 Jul 91 14:52:18 +1000
- Cc: nsn@ee.mu.OZ.AU
- Organisation: Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Melbourne
- Smiley-Convention: %^)
Numa respondis:
--- Jen mi estas. Mi suferas por miloj, --- mil koroj batas en mi. Elsxiru
ilin, Sinjoro el mia brusto.
--- Vi sxparas ankaux la korojn. Donu do al mi unu vivon, sed tian, en kiun
mia kreanta genio spiris la grandecon plej altan.
--- Jen mi estas. Mi farigxis la estro de mia popolo, --- mi estas la plej
granda el ili.
--- Mi sxangxas mian volon. Mi postulas, ke vi oferu la vivon de tiu el
Romanoj, kiu estas la plej malalta el la plaj malaltaj.
--- Jen mi estas. Mi servas la tutan mian popolon; mi estas servisto de cxiuj,
mi estas pli malalta ol la plej malaltaj.
Numa answered:
--- Here I am. I suffer for thousands --- a thousand hearts beat in mi. Rip
them, Lord, out of my breast.
--- You also save up hearts. Then give me one life, but such a one, in which
my creating genius breathed the highest greatness.
--- Here I am. I became the leader of my people, --- I am the greatest of them.
--- I change my will. I demand, that you sacrifice the life of that one of
the Romans, who is the lowest of the lowest.
--- Here I am. I serve my whole people; I am a servant of everybody, I am
lower than the lowest.
.i ko'a fracru lu mi do'a remna .i mi ci'ocro sesi'u su'opaki'o prenu
He1 react-said "I (generous) am a human. I feel emotional pain to help at
least a thousand persons.
.i su'opaki'o risna ca'a jmive sau mi .i ko lacpu leri jaisau nunji'e leba'emi
cutne li'u
At least a thousand hearts are actually living, requiring me. Extract their
requisite for living from *my* chest."
.ilu do na vencu fo loisi'a risna .iseki'ubo ko daspo dunda mi pa nunji'e poi
traji leka banli noi se zbasu mi lemi se vasxu li'u
"It is not the case that you do sell with (also) hearts. For this reason
destroy-give me one life such that it is superlative in the greatness which
has been built by me with my breath."
.ilu go'i fi le nunji'e be mi .i mi lidne lemi natmi .iseni'ibo mi traji leka
banli ku fo le'ilu'ara li'u
"I'll do this [ditto] with the life of me. I am leader of my nation. Therefore,
I am superlative in greatness amongest the set of the members of it."
.ilu mi ca jdice lo drata .i mi caicpe .i ko spofi'i le nunji'e be lo se
la'ornai poi traji leka to'e banli fo le'i to'e banli li'u
"I now decide another thing. I demand. Destroy-offer the life of a memner of
the latin nation who is superlative in ungreatness amongest the set of those
described as ungreat."
.ilu go'i le nunji'e be mi .i mi selfu piro lemi natmi .i mi selfu role prenu
"Ditto the life of me. I serve the whole of my nation. I serve all persons.
.iseni'ibo mi zmadu lei to'e banli leka to'e banli li'u
Therefore I am more than the mass of ungreat in ungreatness."