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Re: xebro

    (I don't remember if I already responded to this thread, but
what the heck, why should that stop me from being obnoxious.)
I think Mark Shoulson really hit the nail on the head.  All
the names of God are names!  Gismu are predicates that express
relations.  I only have need in this language for gismu that
describe the properties of these "super" beings.  As of now I
only have a clear understanding of one descriptor and am aware that
at least one more is need for descriptions that I do not well
understand.  The one I understand is for an omnipotent, omniscient,
omnipresent, creator of the entirety of what I can sense directly
or indirectly who may or may not have a personality as we understand
it.  Clearly there needs to be words to describe the role of other
"guiding influences".  But clearly JHVH is a name, not a descriptor,
not a predicate.
    I might accept xriso as the word for messiah as long as it is
clear that that the definition does not refer to any one instance.
I expect that we are free to read "le xriso" as a reference to
Emperor Hili Salasi (I'm not sure of the spelling) or someone
for whom we have waited for centuries and for we will continue
to wait.

    thank you all,

Arthur Protin <protin@pica.army.mil>
These are my personal views and do not reflect those of my boss
or this installation.