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Re: Saddam T-shirts

> From:  "Arthur W. Protin Jr." (GC-ACCURATE) <protin@PICA.ARMY.MIL>
> ... Or have you
> all gone compute bound?  If you are still interested in discussing
> this issue but are not yet ready to share your thoughts with us,
> please send me little note that says "I'm thinking about what has
> been said".  

I have the feeling that (1) discussion about place structures is very
important, since in a pred-lang the predicate words represent relations
between "things" and the nature of those "things" is vital; but (2) it
is very tiring.  Lojbab says that when I get going about replicated
sumti and abstract argument slots his eyes glaze over.  So do mine, but
I keep at it because it's important.  

We have been following a good practice: to concentrate at the start
on general design principles, for example whether cases should be
cleft, or what are the criteria for including an element or an ethnic
group in the gismu list.  Afterward, specific words can be fit into 

I would guess that the place structure debate has settled down because
people are too tired.  It'll come back.  It has to.

		-- jimc