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hail, rain place structures
How come there isn't more debate on place structures anyway? Oh, I forgot:
we don't have the current ones. *sigh*
No one ever said you should not attempt to say things in Lojban just
because you haven't got a language!
.i na ku su'o da zo'u da cusku lu
It is false that there is at least one x such that x says quote
ko troci lo nu cusku bau lo lojbo
make true for you try/attain a process of expressing in language lojban
nagi'a lo lojbo cu zasti li'u
only if Lojban exists end quote
Oops, please bear with me; that was not what I meant to say.
.i o'o ta'onai
forbearance returning to main point
I want to say something about Lojban, not something in Lojban.
au mi cusku lo sidbo be lo lojbo
desire I say a real idea about Lojban
gi'e na'e cusku zo'e bau lo lojbo
and other than express something unspecified in language lojban.
Some of the definitions from the 8/9/88 Baselined
Gismu list confuse me.
lo si'o lo se valsi
at least one real idea/concept abstraction of a real meaning of word
be fi lo lojbo cu cfipu mi
in (third place) language lojban confuses me
I am bothered by the lack of parallism for the definitions of
rain, fall and hail:
carvi cav rain rains to...from...
farlu fal fa'u fall fall to...from...
bratu hail hail of...falling to...from...
The place structure for `rain' is fine. Droplets of water rain to the
grass from a cloud; rocks rain on a town from a volcano.
lo jacdirgo cu carvi lo srasu lo cimdilnu
water-drops rain on grass from a wet-cloud
[djacu dirgo] [cilmo dilnu]
.i lo glaroi cu carvi lo tcadu lo pojca'a
hot-rocks rain on a town from an exploding mountain
[glara rokci] [spoja cmana]
`Fall' is fine, too; it is like `rain'.
lo jacdirgo cu farlu lo srasu lo cimdilnu
water-drops fall on grass from a wet-cloud
But `hail' is a problem. Raining and hailing are different ways
things fall from the sky; I think the definitions should be parallel.
One should say:
lo rokci cu bratu lo tcadu lo cmana
rocks hail onto a town from a mountain
.i lo bisli dirgo cu bratu lo dertu lo nu xlatcima
ice drops hail onto the earth from the process of bad-weather
[xlali tcima]
I thought about `snow', too. In English, `snow' is both a kind of
falling and a form of substance; but after some consideration, I think
that the form of substance is the more interesting aspect of the
concept, `snow' is OK as is:
snime si'e snow a quantity/expanse of snow
Thus one can say
lo nu lo xrula pezli cu farlu lo foldi lo brife cu simsa lo nu lo
snime cu farlu zu'i zu'i
lo nu
the event of
lo xrula pezli cu farlu lo foldi lo brife
flower leaves fall on the field from the wind
cu simsa lo nu lo snime cu farlu zu'i zu'i
is similar to an event of snow falling to and from typical places
Robert J. Chassell bob@gnu.ai.mit.edu
Rattlesnake Mountain Road (413) 298-4725 or (617) 253-8568 or
Stockbridge, MA 01262-0693 USA (617) 876-3296 (for messages)