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Re: Elision, or: Nick rides again in jbonai

    When Guy Steele said

^   The elidable terminators make the language unambiguous, but may often be
^                                              ^^ ????????
^Did you mean "ambiguous"?

I could not believe he could be so dense.  I am very thankful that he took
the time to clarify what he was saying,

	The terminators in question, namely those that happen to be
	elidable (that's a useful way for me to identify them to you),
	are required in the language to avoid ambiguity, though in
	practice they may be omitted in many places.

    He is also very correct in saying that the grammar is incomplete
because it lacks a codification of the rules for eliding terminators.

    I doubt that many of will use the formal grammar to learn the
language but most of us that do use the grammar to analyse the language
will profit from a more complete grammar regardless of the number of
additional rules needed to make the grammar more complete.

    So thank you Guy Steele,

    thank you all,
    Art Protin

Arthur Protin <protin@pica.army.mil>
These are my personal views and do not reflect those of my boss
or this installation.