A table of strings, all with the first character in lower case seperated by 00h.
All instances of these strings within the file are
replaced by references in the form of two bytes. The first byte is either 02 meaning to display the string as is, 03 meaning
to display the string as is with a trailing space, 04 to display the string with the first character upper case, 05 same as 04
with a trailing space. The next byte points to the string to display. 01h is the first string, 02h the second and so on.
Also all instances of 0D 0A are replaced by 00h, and 01 xx yy displays xx instances of yy. FFh means to display the next
character as is (used if you need to actually display any of the characters used as codes). The text in the records after
the virus descriptions is terminated by 01 xx DC.