LV 1.2 Virus

 Virus Name:  LV 1.2 
 V Status:    Viron 
 Discovered:  December, 1992 
 Symptoms:    COMMAND.COM altered; file date/time changed 
 Origin:      The Netherlands 
 Eff Length:  477 Bytes OW 
 Type Code:   ONK - Overwriting Non-Resident COMMAND.COM Infector 
 Detection Method:  AVTK, F-Prot, Sweep, ViruScan, ChAV, 
                    NAV, IBMAV, NAVDX, VAlert, PCScan, 
                    Sweep/N, NShld, Innoc, NProt, AVTK/N, LProt, IBMAV/N, 
 Removal Instructions:  Delete infected programs 
 General Comments: 
       The LV 1.2 virus was submitted from The Netherlands in December, 
       1992.  LV 1.2 is a non-resident overwriting virus which infects 
       COMMAND.COM.  It does not infect other .COM programs. 
       When a program infected with the LV 1.2 virus is executed, this 
       virus will infect the copy of COMMAND.COM located in the root 
       directory of the current drive.  It overwrites 477 bytes of the 
       slack (hex 00) area at the end of the COMMAND.COM file.  The 
       file's length will not be altered.  The file's date and time in 
       the DOS disk directory listing will have been updated to the 
       current system date and time.  The following text strings are 
       contained in the viral code: 
               "COMMAND.COM IS INFECTED by VIRUS LV .1.2 !!!" 

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