JoJo Virus
Virus Name: JoJo
V Status: Rare
Discovered: May, 1990
Symptoms: .COM growth; system hangs; graphic screen display
Origin: Israel
Eff Length: 1,701 Bytes
Type Code: PRaC - Parasitic Resident .COM Infector
Detection Method: ViruScan, F-Prot, NAV, AVTK, Sweep, IBMAV,
NAVDX, VAlert, PCScan, ChAV,
NShld, LProt, Sweep/N, Innoc, NProt, AVTK/N,
Removal Instructions: F-Prot, or delete infected files
General Comments:
The JoJo virus was discovered in Israel in May, 1990. The virus'
name comes from a message within the viral code:
"Welcome to the JOJO Virus."
One other message appears within the virus, indicating that it was
written in 1990. This message is: "Fuck the system (c) - 1990".
Both messages within the viral code are never displayed.
When the first file infected with the JoJo virus is executed on a
system, the virus will install itself memory resident. The method
used is to alter the command interpreter in memory, expanding its
size. As an example, on my test system, the command interpreter in
memory increased in size from 3,536 bytes to 5,504 bytes. One block
of 48 bytes is also reserved in available free memory. The change
in free memory will be a net decrease of 2,048 bytes.
The JoJo virus will not infect files if interrupt 13 is in use by
any other program. Instead the virus will clear the screen, and the
system will be hung. If the user performs a warm reboot
(CTRL-ALT-DEL), the virus will remain in memory.
Once the virus is able to become memory resident with interrupt 13
hooked, any .COM file executed will be infected by the virus.
Infected files will increase in length by 1,701 bytes.
JoJo is based on the Cascade virus, though it does not make use of
the encryption mechanism in Cascade.
JoJo produces a screen display of multicolored diamonds when it
activates. Activation will occur on graphic displays when an
infected program is executed after JoJo is memory resident.
Known variant(s) of JoJo are:
JoJo-B: A minor variant of the JoJo virus, JoJo-B's encryption
has been slightly modified.
Origin: Unknown July, 1992.
JoJo-C: Received in November, 1993, JoJo-C is another minor
variant of the virus which has been altered to avoid
being detected by a particular anti-viral program. It is
not believed to be in the public domain.
Origin: Unknown November, 1993.
See: Cascade Cascade-B JoJo 2