Hell Virus
Virus Name: Hell
Aliases: Year-6545, Hell-892, Pixel-897, Pixel-899, Pixel-899B,
V Status: Rare
Discovered: May, 1991
Symptoms: .COM file growth; file date/time changes
Origin: Europe
Eff Length: 936 Bytes
Type Code: PNCK - Parasitic Non-Resident .COM Infector
Detection Method: ViruScan, AVTK, F-Prot, Sweep, NAV, IBMAV,
NAVDX, VAlert, PCScan, ChAV,
NShld, LProt, Sweep/N, Innoc, NProt, AVTK/N,
Removal Instructions: Delete infected files
General Comments:
The Hell Virus was received from Europe in May, 1991. Hell is a
non-resident direct action infector of .COM programs, including
When a program infected with Hell is executed, the virus will
search the current directory and infect all .COM programs found.
If COMMAND.COM is present in the current directory, it will be
infected. A portion of the virus will remain in memory, hooking the
system clock.
Programs infected with Hell will increase in size by 936 bytes, the
virus will be located at the beginning of infected programs. The
file's date and time in the DOS disk directory will also have been
updated to the system date and time when infection occurred.
Programs which are infected with Hell will contain the following
text strings:
"Fucking Hell:What a smelly ass hole!!Do you want to fuck!!!
HaHaHa... What a Good Friday!!"
Hell is actually shorter in length than 936 bytes, the additional
length added by the virus will contain some text or program code
from a previous infection.
This virus is a variant of the Amstrad viruses, and some anti-viral
programs may detect it as such.
Hell and its variants can be destructive when they activate,
formatting the first track of the current drive.
Known variant(s) of Hell are:
Hell-892: Functionally equivalent to the virus described
above, this variant adds 892 bytes to infected files.
Pixel-897: Pixel-897 is an 897 byte variant of the Hell virus.
It infects all .COM files including COMMAND.COM in the
current directory each time an infected program is
executed. Infected files will have a file length increase
of 897 bytes, and their date and time in the DOS disk
directory will have been updated. Text strings found
in infected files are:
"Fucking Hell: What a smelly ass hole!!"
"Do you want to fuck it!!!"
When Pixel-897 activates, it displays the last two text
strings as a message, and overwrites the first track
of the current drive, formatting it.
Origin: Europe November, 1991
Pixel-899: Functionally equivalent to Pixel-897, this variant
adds 897 bytes to files it infects.
Origin: Europe November, 1991
Pixel-899B: Pixel-899B is similar to Pixel-899, with the
exception that when it activates, it displays its message
but does not format the first track of the current drive.
Origin: Europe November, 1991.
Pixel-905: Pixel-905 is an 905 byte variant of Pixel-897 which
is functionally equivalent, with the exception that
infected files will have increased in size by 905 bytes.
Origin: Europe November, 1991.
See: Amstrad Pixel Silly Silly-365