Fu Manchu Virus

 Virus Name:  Fu Manchu 
 Aliases:     2080, 2086, Fu Manchu-B 
 V Status:    Rare 
 Discovered:  March, 1988 
 Symptoms:    .SYS, .BIN, .COM, & .EXE growth; messages 
 Eff Length:  2,086 (.COM files) & 2,080 (.EXE files) bytes 
 Type Code:   PRsA - Parasitic Resident .COM & .EXE Infector 
 Detection Method:  ViruScan, F-Prot, AVTK, NAV, Sweep, IBMAV, 
                    NAVDX, VAlert, PCScan, ChAV, 
                    NShld, LProt, Sweep/N, Innoc, NProt, AVTK/N, 
                    NAV/N, IBMAV/N 
 Removal Instructions:  F-Prot, NAV, or delete infected files 
 General Comments: 
       The Fu Manchu virus attaches itself to the beginning of .COM files 
       or the end of .EXE files.  This virus will infect any executable 
       program, including overlay, .SYS, and .BIN files as well.  It 
       appears to be a rewritten version of the Jerusalem virus, with a 
       possible creation date of 3/10/88. 
       A marker or id string usually found in this virus is 'sAXrEMHOr', 
       though the virus only uses the 'rEMHOr' portion of the string to 
       identify infected files. 
       One out of sixteen infections will result in a timer being 
       installed, and after a random amount of time, the message, "The 
       world will hear from me again!" is displayed and the system 
       reboots.  This message will also be displayed on an infected system 
       after a warm reboot, though the virus doesn't survive in memory. 
       After August 1, 1989, the virus will monitor the keyboard buffer, 
       and will add derogatory comments to the names of various 
       politicians.  These comments go to the keyboard buffer, so their 
       effect is not limited to the display.  The messages within the virus 
       are encrypted. 
       This virus is very rare in the United States. 
       Known variant(s) of Fu Manchu are: 
       Fu Manchu-B: Functionally the same as Fu Manchu, this variant has 
                    seven bytes altered in order to avoid detection by 
                    some anti-viral products. 
       Also see:   Jerusalem    Taiwan 3 

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