1720 Virus
Virus Name: 1720
Aliases: PSQR Virus
V Status: Rare
Discovery: March, 1990
Symptoms : TSR; .COM & .EXE growth; partition table damage on
activation; programs on diskette deleted on Friday the 13th
Origin: Spain
Eff Length: 1,719 - 1,733 Bytes
Type Code: PRsA - Parasitic Resident .COM & .EXE Infector
Detection Method: ViruScan, F-Prot, AVTK, NAV, Sweep,
NShld, LProt, Sweep/N, Innoc, NProt, AVTK/N,
Removal Instructions: NAV, or delete infected files
General Comments:
The 1720, or PSQR virus, is a variant of the Jerusalem virus which
was first isolated in Barcelona, Spain, in March 1990. This virus,
infects .COM and .EXE files, though unlike Jerusalem, it does not
infect overlay files. COMMAND.COM will also not be infected.
The first time an infected file is executed, the virus will install
itself memory resident as a low system memory TSR of 2,048 bytes.
Interrupt 21 will be hooked by 1720 in memory.
Once the 1720 virus is memory resident, it will infect .COM and
.EXE programs as they are executed. Infected .COM programs increase
in size by 1,720 bytes, and the virus will be located at the
beginning of the infected file. Infected .EXE programs increase
in size by 1,719 to 1,733 bytes, and the virus will be located at
the end of the infected file. In both cases, there will be no
change to the file's date and time in the DOS disk directory. All
infected programs can be easily identified as they will end with
the text character string "PSQR", which is the infection marker for
this virus.
On Friday the 13th, the 1720 virus will activate the first time an
infected program is executed. When the program is executed, it will
be deleted from disk. More damaging, however, is that the 1720
virus will check to see if the system has a hard disk drive. If a
hard disk drive is present, the virus will overwrite the boot sector
and partition table resulting in all data on the hard disk becoming
unavailable. The system will also appear to hang.
Known variant(s) of 1720 are:
1720-B: Isolated in Spain in October, 1991, this variant is
functionally similar to the original virus. The encryption
used within the virus has been slightly modified, though
most anti-virals will detect this variant without any
See: PCBB Jerusalem