Ear Virus
Virus Name: Ear
V Status: Rare
Discovered: May, 1992
Symptoms: .COM & .EXE file growth; errors writing to device AUX;
Ear quiz played with the system user
Origin: United States
Eff Length: 1,024 Bytes
Type Code: PNAK - Parasitic Non-Resident .COM & .EXE Infector
Detection Method: ViruScan, F-Prot, Sweep, AVTK, IBMAV,
NAV, NAVDX, VAlert, PCScan,
NShld, Sweep/N, NProt, AVTK/N, NAV/N, IBMAV/N, LProt
Removal Instructions: Delete infected files
General Comments:
The Ear virus was discovered in the United States in May, 1992.
It is a non-resident, direct action infector of .COM and .EXE
programs, including COMMAND.COM.
When a program infected with the Ear virus is executed, the Ear
virus will check to determine if more than two subdirectories
exist on the current drive. If there are not at least two
subdirectories, the virus will attempt to write to device AUX,
and will normally result in an error. No programs will be infected.
If two subdirectories exist, then the virus will infect all of the
.COM and .EXE programs located in the current directory, and the
program the user was attempting to execute will then run.
Programs infected with the Ear virus will have a file length increase
of 1,024 bytes with the virus being located at the end of the
infected file. The program's date and time in the DOS disk directory
listing will not be altered.
The Ear virus will occassionally provide the user with a quiz on a
part of the human ear when an infected program is executed. The
messages displayed at this time are:
"PHALCON/SKISM 1992 [Ear-6] Alert!
Where is the $ located?
1. External Ear
2. Middle Ear
3. Inner Ear"
The "$" above in the second line will be replaced with one of the
following: "Auditory Canal", "Lobe", "Hammer", "Eustacian Tube",
"Auditory Nerve", or "Cochlea". If the user replies correctly,
the virus will display:
"Wow, you know your ears! Please resume work."
If the user replies incorrectly, the following is displayed:
"You obviously no nothing about ears.
Try again after some study."
The above text strings are encrypted within the virus and are not
visible in infected files. Additional text strings which are
encrypted within the virus are:
"[Ear-6] Dark Angel"
"*.EXE *.COM"
Known variant(s) of Ear are:
Anti-Print: Based on the Ear virus, Anti-Print is a memory
resident infector of .EXE programs. When the first Anti-
Print virus infected program is executed, the Anti-Print
virus will install itself memory resident at the top of
system memory but below the 640K DOS boundary. Total
system and available free memory, as indicated by the DOS
CHKDSK program, will have decreased by 1,248 bytes.
Interrupt 21 will be hooked. Once resident, Anti-Print
infects .EXE programs when they are executed. Infected
programs will have a file length increase of 593 bytes with
the virus being located at the end of the file. The file's
date and time in the DOS disk directory listing will have
been updated to the current system date and time when
infection occurred. The following text strings are
encrypted within the Anti-Print viral code:
"PRINT.EXE detected in memory!"
"=> Anti-PRINT Virus detonation <="
When the Anti-Print virus is memory resident, it will trash
the current drive if PRINT.EXE is executed, along with
displaying the above text as a message. System hangs may
also frequently occur.
Origin: Unknown February, 1993.
Quake-O: Based on the Ear virus, Quake-O infects up to three
.EXE or .COM programs in the current directory each time
an infected program is executed. Infected programs will
have a file length increase of 960 bytes with the virus
being located at the end of the file. There will be no
change to the program's date and time in the DOS disk
directory listing. The following text strings are
encrypted within the Quake-O viral code:
"By Dark Angel of PHALCON/SKISM '92"
"Assistance by Demogorgon on Quake-O routines"
".. *.exe *.com"
Origin: United States August, 1992.
Suicide: Based on the Ear virus, Suicide infects up to five
.EXE or .COM programs in the current directory each time
an infected program is executed. Infected programs will
have a file length increase of 2,048 bytes with the virus
being located at the end of the file. There will be no
change to the program's date and time in the DOS disk
directory listing. The following text strings are
encrypted within the Suicide viral code:
"*.COM *.EXE .. [Suicide]"
"Written by Dark Angel of PHALCON/SKISM"
"Ross M. Greenberg blows goats."
"Your PC has been infected by the Suicide virus."
"I would disinfect myself, but I despise DOS 2.X"
"Upgrade now!"
"Brought to you by PHALCON/SKISM"
"I will now kill myself. Press D to disinfect"
"Hard at work to make your life"
"living hell"
Origin: United States July, 1992.