Devil's Dance Virus
Virus Name: Devil's Dance
Aliases: Devil's Dance-B
V Status: Rare
Discovered: December, 1989
Symptoms: Message; .COM growth; FAT corruption; TSR
Origin: Mexico
Eff Length: 941 Bytes
Type Code: PRsCKT - Parasitic Resident .COM Infector
Detection Method: ViruScan, AVTK, NAV, F-Prot, Sweep, IBMAV,
NAVDX, VAlert, PCScan, ChAV,
NShld, LProt, Sweep/N, Innoc, NProt, AVTK/N,
Removal Instructions: NAV, or delete infected files
General Comments:
The Devil's Dance virus was first isolated in December, 1989, by Mao
Fragoso of Mexico City. Devil's Dance is a memory resident infector
of .COM programs, including COMMAND.COM. It can be very destructive.
The first time a program infected with Devil's Dance is executed,
Devil's Dance will become memory resident as a low system memory
TSR of 1.2K. Interrupts 09 and 21 will be hooked by Devil's Dance
in memory. Also at this time, Devil's Dance will infect all .COM
programs in the current directory. If the program was previously
infected with Devil's Dance, it will be reinfected.
After Devil's Dance is memory resident, it will infect any program
the user attempts to execute. Programs infected with Devil's Dance
will increase in size by 941 bytes, with each later reinfection
resulting in an additional 941 byte increase. The virus is located
at the end of infected files. Infected programs will also have had
their file date and time updated in the DOS disk directory.
Once an infected program has been run, any subsequent warm-reboot
(CTL-ALT-DEL) may result in the following message being displayed:
"Have you ever danced with the devil under the week light of the moon?"
The Devil's Dance virus is destructive. After the first 2,000
keystrokes, the virus starts changing the colors of any text
displayed on the system monitor. The changing of colors of displayed
text will also sometimes start to occur immediately with this virus.
After the first 5,000 keystrokes, the virus erases the first copy
of the FAT. At this point, when the system is rebooted, it will
display the message above and again destroy the first copy of the
FAT, then allow the boot to proceed.
Known variant(s) of Devil's Dance are:
Devil's Dance-B: Similar to the original Devil's Dance virus,
this variant is also 941 bytes in length. The
major difference is that infected systems will
run very slowly, including at boot. On system
boot, the user may receive the message:
"Specified COMMAND search directory bad".