Darth Vader Virus
Virus Name: Darth Vader
Aliases: Darth-1, Darth-2, Darth-3, Darth-4, Darth-5
V Status: Research
Discovery: May, 1991
Symptoms: .COM programs corruption
Origin: Bulgaria
Eff Length: 200 - 345 Bytes
Type Code: ORCK - Overwriting Resident .COM Infector
Detection Method: ViruScan, AVTK, F-Prot, Sweep, NAV,
LProt, Sweep/N, Innoc, NProt, AVTK/N, NShld,
Removal Instructions: Delete infected files
General Comments:
The Darth Vader viruses were received in May, 1991 from Bulgaria.
Darth Vader is actually a family of four viruses which are very
similar. All of these viruses are memory resident overwriting
viruses which only infect .COM programs when they are copied.
When a program infected with a Darth Vader virus is executed,
Darth Vader will install itself memory resident. Latter, as .COM
programs are copied, the target .COM program may become infected.
Depending on the particular Darth Vader virus, the target program
may have either the beginning of the program overwritten, or an
area of hex 00 characters overwritten by the virus. There will be
no increase in file size in the disk directory, and the program's
date and time will not be altered.
Darth Vader viruses do not perform any malicious damage, though
infected programs are usually damaged and will not execute
Known variant(s) of Dark Avenger are:
Darth-1: The first Darth Vader virus submitted, Darth-1 is
270 bytes in length. It overwrites the first 270 bytes
of .COM files when they are copied with the virus
memory resident. Darth-1 will not infect COMMAND.COM.
The following text string can be found in the first 270
bytes of infected programs: "COMMCOMDarth Vad".
Darth-2: Darth-2 is a 345 byte variant of Darth-1. Unlike
Darth-1, it overwrites 345 bytes of hex 00 characters
in copied .COM programs. Infected programs will contain
the text string: "COMDarth Vader". Darth-2 and later
variants will infect COMMAND.COM.
Darth-3: Darth-3 is similar to Darth-2, but it is 255 bytes in
length. When Darth-3 infects programs, it overwrites 255
bytes of hex 00 characters. Infected programs will contain
the text string: "Darth Vader".
Darth-3B: Darth-3B is similar to Darth-3, and is a very minor
variant. Like Darth-3, infected programs will contain
the text string: "Darth Vader".
Origin: Unknown January, 1994.
Darth-4: Darth-4 is a shorter version of Darth-4, it is 200
bytes in length and does not contain any text strings.
Darth-5: Darth-5 is very similar to Darth-4. Like Darth-4, it
is 200 bytes in length and does not contain any text
strings. Darth-5 only infects .COM files when they are
copied if the original file contained at least 200
bytes of hex 00 characters.