Chaos Virus
Virus Name: Chaos
V Status: Rare
Discovery: December, 1989
Symptoms: Message; TSR; bad sectors; BSC
Origin: England
Eff Length: N/A
Type Code: BR - Resident Boot Sector Infector
Detection Method: [Not in Certification Set]
Removal Instructions: MDisk, or DOS SYS command
General Comments:
First reported in December, 1989 by James Berry of Kent, England,
the Chaos virus is a memory resident boot sector infector of floppy
and hard disks.
When the Chaos virus infects a boot sector, it overwrites the
original boot sector without copying it to another location on the
disk. Infected boot sectors will contain the following messages:
"Welcome to the New Dungeon"
"Letz be cool guys"
The Chaos virus will flag the disk as being full of bad sectors
upon activation, though most of the supposed bad sectors are still
readable. It is unknown what the activation criteria is.