834 Virus
Virus Name: 834
Aliases: Arab
V Status: Rare
Discovery: February, 1991
Symptoms: .COM file growth; TSR; partition table altered; unexpected
disk accesses to hard disk; attempts to boot from hard disk
may hang
Origin: Saudi Arabia
Eff Length: 834 Bytes
Type Code: PRsC - Parasitic Resident COM Infector
Detection Method: ViruScan, F-Prot, Sweep, AVTK, ChAV,
NShld, LProt, Sweep/N, Innoc, NProt, AVTK/N,
Removal Instructions: Delete infected files
General Comments:
The 834 virus was received in February, 1991. Its origin is
unknown. This virus is a memory resident infector of .COM files,
but not COMMAND.COM.
The first time a program infected with the 834 virus is executed,
the virus will install itself memory resident as a low system memory
TSR of 1,808 bytes. Interrupt 21 will be hooked by the virus as
well. At this time, the virus will access the hard disk partition
table, altering it.
After the 834 virus is memory resident, it will infect .COM
files of a length greater than 4K in length as they are executed.
COMMAND.COM, however, will not be infected. Infected files will
increase in length by 834 bytes, the virus will be located at the
end of the infected program. The file date and time in the disk
directory is not altered by the virus.
Systems infected with the 834 virus may notice unexpected accesses
to the system hard disk when executing programs from a diskette.
These accesses are the virus accessing the hard disk partition table
each time an infected program is executed, or a program is infected
by the virus. The system's hard disk partition table does not
contain an infectious copy of the virus, but has been altered so
that later attempts to boot the system from the system hard disk may
result in a system hang occurring during the boot process.
Known variant(s) of 834 are:
834-B: (Arab) Similar to the original virus, this variant will
infect .COM files other than COMMAND.COM which are greater
than 1K in length before infection. Two text strings occur
within this variant's code: "nsed Materi" and "COMMAND.COM".
Low system memory TSR is 1,792 bytes in length.