646 Virus
Virus Name: 646
Aliases: Vienna C, Vienna 646
V Status: Rare
Discovery: October, 1990
Symptoms: COMMAND.COM & .COM growth
Origin: Unknown
Eff Length: 646 Bytes
Type Code: PNCK - Parasitic Non-Resident COM Infector
Detection Method: ViruScan, NAV, AVTK, F-Prot, Sweep, IBMAV,
NAVDX, VAlert, PCScan, ChAV,
NShld, LProt, Sweep/N, Innoc, NProt, AVTK/N,
Removal Instructions: Delete infected files
General Comments:
The 646 virus was discovered in October, 1990. Its origin is
unknown. This virus is a non-resident infector of .COM files,
including COMMAND.COM.
When a file infected with the 646 virus is executed, the virus will
infect one other .COM file in the current directory. Infected files
will increase in size by 646 bytes, with the virus being located at
the end of the infected file.
Infected files can be easily identified as they will always end with
the hex string: "EAF0FFFFFF".
This virus appears to do nothing except replicate.