Boot Killer Virus
Virus Name: Boot Killer
V Status: Rare
Discovery: August, 1992
Symptoms: BSC; master boot sector altered; boot failures; hard disk
Origin: Unknown
Eff Length: N/A
Type Code: BNX - Non-Resident Boot Sector & Master Boot Sector Infector
Detection Method: ViruScan, F-Prot, NAV, IBMAV, NAVDX, AVTK
Removal Instructions: DOS SYS on system diskettes, Norton Disk Doctor on
hard disk
General Comments:
The Boot Killer virus was received in August, 1992. Its origin or
point of isolation is unknown. Boot Killer is a non-resident
infector of the hard disk master boot sector (partition table) and
diskette boot sectors.
When the system is attempted to be booted from a Boot Killer infected
diskette, the Boot Killer virus will be read into memory, and then
the system boot will fail, displaying the message:
"Non-System disk or disk error
Replace and press any key when ready"
After the user has replaced the boot diskette, and struck a key,
the boot will the proceed. If the boot diskette was a non-write
protected diskette, the Boot Killer virus will have infected
it, overwriting the original boot sector. At this same time, the
virus will have infected the system hard disk's master boot sector,
overwriting it as well.
Systems infected with Boot Killer will experience frequent boot
failures from diskettes, as well as the system hard disk having
become inaccessible due to Boot Killer overwriting the master boot
sector. Attempts to boot from the system hard disk will result
in the same message displayed above.
The damage to the hard disk master boot sector can be repaired using
various disk diagnostic programs, including Norton Disk Doctor.
On system diskettes, the DOS SYS command can be used to replace
the infected boot sector.